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Clarence "Frogman" Henry - Frog Links

If you know or have a site with information about Frogman please let us know so we can add it.

Rockabilly Hall Of Fame...
Louisiana Music Factory - best one in the world!
Tom Simon's site devoted to Rock'n Roll of the 50's...
Cool woodcuts of artists....
199 USD forFrogmans autograph...
Amazon CD sales of Frogman...
Answers to a lot of things...
Lyrics in an otherwise quite hysterical site...
Photos from Jazz Fest
Delta Music Museum with great background info...
Vinyls and CD's with Frogman...
The Polish angle of Frogman and his collegues...
Museum of the Gulf Coast - photos with The Beatles...
Great photo collection site...
Even more recordings...
Very cool English album cover...
Music for downloading...
Wikipedia on the subject of Frogman...

(C) Copyright 2006 - Ulf Sandström - +46-704-888418 -