Jump4Joy played in Seoul on the Party Stage of the international Jarasum Jazz Festival north of Seoul in Korea October 2008.

The house was sold out with around 3000 young Korean music fans - jumping from the first song to the last. Thank you Korean audience!

"It was an amazing energy - like a Beatles concert from the sixties, including the screaming and crowd participation" says Mighty Bo.

"Jump4joy was maybe one of the best acts of the festival" says director JJ.

"I have never been back stage at a gig like this before - wow!" says manager Louis Mitchell

Jarasum Jazz INFO >>

Live video from Jarasum

All photos courtesy of photographer Sungyll Nah - nahsy1031 "at" hotmail.com (except Dahai)

Visitor Dahae Choi, Ulf and manager Louis Mitchell

Poster design by Christoffer at www.villageclothing.com